10 Weekend Events in Fredericksburg

10 Weekend Events in Fredericksburg

By Susan Larson
If it’s possible for there to be too much fun, then this weekend in Fredericksburg qualifies.  There are many, many special events to enjoy June 6 – 8, 2014.  Here’s a partial list.   Check the events calendar for others.
Note: Each title is hyper-linked to additional details.

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July’s First Friday Art Walk

July’s First Friday Art Walk

By Susan Larson
Due to the July 4th holiday, July’s First Friday Art Walk will be held July 11, 2014.  The galleries in downtown Fredericksburg will be open 6 – 9 p.m. with refreshments, and artists will be present to visit with guests.  Click the hyperlinks for more information about each gallery.
Art First Gallery, 824 Caroline St.

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Sandra Kennelly: Pictures That Tell A Story

Sandra Kennelly: Pictures That Tell A Story

By Susan Larson
Sandra Kennelly earned an art degree at Berkeley, and spent years painting abstract oils and acrylics in the style of Hans Hoffman, a German-born American abstract expressionist painter popular during her college years. But it was motherhood that may have most significantly influenced her career.

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