News Archives
Gary labels board’s action a ‘serious violation of the Civil Rights Act.’
Foundation has seen enormous growth in assets, community impact under longtime CEO’s watch.
Pharmacy opens in FXBG, new leadership teams for FAAR and Chamber, Spotsy cafe celebrates anniversary, Publix opens
Fredericksburg spent more than $7,000, not including staff time, to address destruction in public places.
Grant to enhance S.T.E.M. education and social-emotional learning
There are 54 riddles on business windows in downtown Fredericksburg.
Angel Tree gifts were distributed on Tuesday to over 750 kids, seniors and special needs adults by the by the Fredericksburg Salvation Army.
The Stafford County Sheriff’s Office announced the donation of a decommissioned police cruiser to support ‘LEAPS’ program.
School board and board of supervisors jointly urging support for the JLARC study on funding K-12 public education.
See the list of 72 homes that sold last week in the region.
For daily updates on range operations and test schedules, call the NSWCDD Range and Weapons Testing toll free hotline at (877) 845-5656.
Spotsylvania Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Management says “Dallas” was checked by the vet and is back home.