Elected offices
- Board of Supervisors: The board of supervisors are elected by the residents every four years to represent different areas within the county. The Board enacts laws, sets policies, approves budgets for County services, and sets tax rates. It also appoints citizens to various boards, authorities, commissions, and committees.
- School Board: The Stafford County School Board is a corporate entity with all legal powers, duties, and responsibilities to engage in contracts, lawsuits, and property transactions. The board provides oversight for the county’s 35 schools (17 elementary, eight middle, six high schools and two early-childhood education centers) and enforces policy implementation.
- Sheriff: David P. Decatur serves as Stafford County Sheriff. His office is empowered to ensure equal protection under the law, maintain public peace, prevent crime, enforce laws and ordinances, apprehend criminals, and keep public places orderly. The sheriff also ensures safe traffic flow and cooperates with other law enforcement agencies.
- Commonwealth’s Attorney: Stafford Commonwealth’s Attorney Eric Olsen prosecutes criminal cases on behalf of citizens, similar to a District Attorney in other states. They are elected for four years and prosecute serious felonies like murder, rape, and robbery. In many areas, they also handle misdemeanors and local ordinance violations, including traffic offenses.
- Clerk of the Circuit Court: The Circuit Court Services issue marriage licenses and concealed handgun permits, appoint ministers to perform marriages and handle all criminal cases, including felonies and misdemeanor appeals. For civil law, they have jurisdiction over cases involving $25,000 and above, and share jurisdiction with the General District Court for claims between $4,500 and $25,000. The Court also handles name changes, divorces, adoptions, church trustees, probate wills, and appoint and qualify guardians for adults or children as ordered by the court. Additionally, they can hear civil cases where the issue is between $500 and $10,000.
- Commissioner of Revenue: The Office of the Commissioner of Revenue is a Constitutional office with a four-year elected term. They assist with assessment of business, vehicle, and real estate taxes and enforce statewide and county financial taxation laws.
- Treasurer: The Treasurer’s Office collects and invests all revenue. Their main responsibilities fall into four categories: collection and receipt of revenue, safekeeping of revenue, investment of revenue, and disbursement of funds. The office manages over 300 types of County receipts, with major collections including real estate tax, personal property tax, state income tax, consumer utility tax, vehicle license fees, dog license fees, permit fees, and water and sewer charges.
- County Attorney: The County Attorney is appointed by the Board of Supervisors and serves as its chief legal advisor. This office offers legal advice and representation to the Board of Supervisors, County Administrator, and County departments. It also provides legal support to Constitutional officers, the Registrar, and other Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Subcommittees created and appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
- Economic Development Authority: The EDA is an independent entity that supports business growth through financing, programs, and incentives. It assists new and existing businesses, boosts investment, and stimulates the economy.
- Electoral Board: The Electoral Board ensures that all elections are conducted fairly and impartially, as required by the Constitution of Virginia.
- Board of Zoning Appeals: The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) handles appeals on zoning decisions and violations, grants variances and special exceptions, and imposes conditions on them related to the location, character, and other features of proposed structures or uses as necessary for the public interest.
- Architectural Review Board: The Architectural Review Board (ARB) oversees the preservation of historic sites within the County’s Historic Resource (HR) Overlay Districts. It consists of seven members, including at least one architect or architectural historian. The ARB encourages preservation through incentives, identifies new historic sites, provides guidelines, and reviews construction or renovations within historic districts. It also recommends sites for historic designation to the Board of Supervisors.
Advisory boards, commissions and committees
ADA Grievance Committee: The ADA Grievance Committee handles complaints of disability discrimination related to services provided by Stafford County. It consists of at least five members, including individuals with disabilities. Complaints must be submitted in writing within 60 days of the incident, and the ADA Coordinator responds within 15 days. If unresolved, appeals go to the committee, which offers a final decision within 15 days of meeting with the complainant. Meetings are scheduled when needed, with an annual session in January.
Advisory Boards on Towing: The Advisory Board on Law Enforcement Towing (LE) oversees law enforcement-requested vehicle towing in Stafford County. It includes the Sheriff, three law enforcement officers, four tow operators, and two citizens. The board meets quarterly and is governed by county code. Similarly, the Advisory Board on Private Trespass Towing (PT) monitors private property towing. It has the same composition but includes an alternate citizen. Meetings follow the LE board’s sessions, and both are held in the Public Safety Building.
Agricultural/Purchase of Development Rights: The Agricultural/Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) Committee consists of seven citizens appointed by the Board of Supervisors, each representing an election district. The committee promotes sustainable growth, rural land preservation, and agricultural development. It reviews applications for the PDR Program, which allows property owners to voluntarily offer conservation easements to limit residential development.
Board of Social Services: The Board of Social Services meets monthly and oversees public welfare programs in Stafford County. Its goals are to provide efficient services, raise awareness of available resources, encourage community involvement, and strengthen families.
Building Code Appeals Board: Code officials ensure that code modifications and inspections align with the applicable laws and protect public health, safety, and welfare. If a plan review or inspection fails, a code modification request is denied, a notice of violation is issued, or a resident disagrees with how a code section is applied, they can appeal to the Building Code Appeals Board (BCAB).
Diversity Advisory Coalition: The Coalition advises the Stafford County Board of Supervisors on policies and activities that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the community. It consists of seven voting members appointed by the Board by election district, ensuring diversity in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, and physical/mental ability. Members serve for two years at the Board’s discretion.
Historical Commission: The Historical Commission identifies, evaluates, and preserves the County’s prehistoric, historic, and cultural resources. The seven board-appointed members offer guidance on historical issues and make recommendations during the development review process.
Parks and Recreation Commission: The Parks and Recreation Commission advises the Board of Supervisors on recreation policies, programs, finances, and property transactions for parks. Each board member appoints a district representative to represent citizens. Commission members are volunteers who serve as liaisons between the citizens, the Department of Parks, Recreation, Facilities & Tourism, and the Board of Supervisors.
Planning Commission: The Planning Commission is composed of seven citizens appointed by the Board of Supervisors and represents each election district. State Code mandates that the Commission reviews and recommends the County’s Comprehensive Plan, changes to subdivision and zoning ordinances, rezonings, and conditional use permits. It has the authority to approve preliminary subdivision plans, waive subdivision requirements, and ensure compliance with the Comprehensive Plan.
R-Board: The R-Board was established in 1987 as a joint venture between Stafford County and Fredericksburg and provides waste disposal solutions for residents.
Telecommunications Commission: The Telecommunications Commission was created by the Board of Supervisors and advises the Board. It ensures compliance with cable franchise agreements in Stafford County, reviews and advises on cable TV services, telecommunications, broadband (both wireline and wireless), and local infrastructure. It also promotes community programming to keep citizens informed
Utilities Commission: The Utilities Commission supports the growth and development of the county’s utility systems by ensuring long-term self-sufficiency and maintaining the financial integrity of the utility enterprise fund.
Plans and budgets:
- Comprehensive Plan 2016-2036: The Plan guides the county’s physical development. It encompasses goals, objectives, and policies for sustainability, fiscal responsibility, the environment, health, safety and welfare, housing, transportation, economic development, education, and heritage resources.
- Strategic Plan 2024-2029: In 2018, the Board of Supervisors launched its first Strategic Plan to envision Stafford’s future by 2040. The plan outlined actionable initiatives for 2019-2022. Input was gathered from the community through the first-ever Community Survey, as well as from staff and the Board via internal surveys.
- Sheriff’s Office Strategic Plan 2020-2030:
- Transportation Master Plan:
- Stafford County Public Schools Strategic Plan: There are four goals the board has focused on:
- Prepare every student for life after graduation with meaningful post-secondary outcomes. The plan states that each high school student will have a plan for employment, enlistment, or post-secondary education upon graduation. Each high school student will gain real-world experience through internships, fieldwork, or capstone projects before graduating. Each middle school student will create and annually update a personalized college and career plan with their counselor. All students will have access to opportunities for quality post-secondary outcomes and families will understand educational options and career pathways.
- Maintain high academic standards and expand opportunities for all students. Each student will achieve annual literacy growth and annual math growth from PreK to 11th grade. Stafford County Public Schools will lead in academic performance within Virginia’s Region III and Northern Virginia, and narrow performance gaps by boosting every student’s performance. Every student aiming for a standard or advanced diploma will graduate with a marketable industry certification and/or AP, IB, or DE course completed.
- Provide a safe, engaging, and welcoming school environment for everyone. Ensure the physical, mental, and emotional safety of students and staff. Address and reduce perception gaps in school climate among students, teachers, and families. Ensure classroom spaces meet program needs for high-quality learning experiences. Provide resources to support high-quality instruction. Maintain well-functioning facilities. Operate efficiently and transparently, responsibly managing resources.
- Support and invest in all staff. Offer competitive pay, excellent benefits, and wellness support. Meet staffing and program standards for student and operational needs. Ensure all students have access to qualified educators. Develop growth opportunities, career paths, and professional learning for staff. Maintain a balanced and supportive work environment.
Interjurisdictional bodies (officials from several localities serve on these):
- Fredericksburg Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (FAMPO): The primary mission of FAMPO is to assist in developing regional transportation plans for Fredericksburg, including the City of Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania County, and Stafford County. FAMPO staff create a forum for local leaders, transportation professionals, and the public to address regional transportation needs, create federally required transportation planning documents, and, under the FAMPO Policy Committee’s direction, study transportation deficiencies and propose solutions.
- George Washington Regional Commission (GWRC): The George Washington Regional Commission is a planning district commission for Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania, Stafford Counties and the City of Fredericksburg. The responsibility of the commission is to encourage the cooperation of addressing local matters such as housing and transportation.
- Currently, Stafford County does not belong to a regional transit authority such as the ones that exist in northern and central Virginia. However, Stafford and neighboring jurisdictions have discussed forming such a body, which would pursue transportation projects impacting the entire Fredericksburg region
Your local state delegation
General Assembly: Del. Josh Cole (D-Fredericksburg); Del. Paul Milde (R-Stafford) Sen. Tara Durant (R-Stafford); Sen. Jeremy McPike (D-Prince William)