Dave the Computer Guy with Techs in the Burg talks about backups, Wifi speed, cheaper internet for family’s with financial struggles and safely browsing the Internet.

Dave the Computer Guy with Techs in the Burg talks about backups, Wifi speed, cheaper internet for family’s with financial struggles and safely browsing the Internet.
Carolyn Wilder and Karen Brace. It’s baby season for animals. What to do if you find baby animals in need of care.
Caroline County Schools: Dr. Herb Monroe, Mallory McMullin, Darlene Keener, Dr. Paige Carter and Dr. Sarah Calveric. Learning strategies post pandemic.
Stafford Economic Development & Tourism Director John Holden with updates on Smart Stafford:
Cooking Autism’s April Burch with an update on their work with teachers, families and kids.
Legal Aid Works Executive Director Ann Kloeckner talks about the American Rescue Plan (and how to get your stimulus check), tax changes and the status of rent and mortgage payments during the pandemic.
Spotsylvania Supervisor Chris Yakabouski talks about the upcoming county budget, the need to plan, the Crucible vote, the V-A tax clinic and the trash stickers required by May 1st.
University of Mary Washington Museums Executive Director Scott Harris talks about upcoming programs at the Gari Melchers Home and Studio at Belmont and the James Monroe Museum downtown.
Sgt. Carol Burgess, Susan Sigmon and Kathy Anderson talk about benefits of having Empowerhouse working with the Stafford Sheriff’s Office with domestic violence victims and situations.
City Parks, Recreation and Events Outdoor Recreation Supervisor Callie Brown and Director Jane Shelhorse preview opening up!
Alexis Innis talks about the constant need for blood–and how this region has responded. Information on Sickle Cell and an effort to diversify the donor base.
April Burch and and Andrea Wright talk about how Cooking Autism has grown and increased its reach to families. Info on the upcoming car raffle that will benefit Cooking Autism and three other area non-profits.
Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park Chief Historian John Hennessy and Historian Becca Toy (on the phone) talk about national cemeteries and the importance of continuing the race conversations.
Caroline Schools: Chief Operating Officer Marcia Stevens, Superintendent Dr. Sarah Calveric and School Board Chairman Dr. Jowanda Rollins-Fells.
How COVID has changed one business. Travis Velichko and April Peterson of River Rock Outfitters in Fredericksburg talk about the impact of the pandemic and planning now for your outdoor adventures.
Patrick A’Hearn previews the new Riverside schedule. The first show returns June 2nd. Discussion on theater during the pandemic and the future of Broadway.
Mike Zitz, Jim Toler and Dennis Rapkins talk about the return of the Sunshine Baseball League–the 8-19 year old summer league. Also, details on the MLB Pitch, Hit and Run @ Sunshine Ballpark on May 15th.
Samantha Shoukas talks about the Point in Time count, finding a home for one of the most chronically homeless persons in the area and how to access homeless services.
Jordan Alpert and Diana Flett talk about the work of Mental Health America of Fredericksburg in these COVID times. We talk about changes and the way forward.
Anne Little talks about the formation of the Virginia Bluebird Society and the volunteer opportunities in this area. It’s the 25th anniversary.