Town Talk:   Fred Nats

Town Talk: Fred Nats

AUDIO: Robbie Perry with the Fredericksburg Nationals with information on the uniform reveal on November 16th at the Mary Washington House. He also talks about progress on the stadium. (It will be ready for Opening Day in April).

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Fred Nats:  Jackie Robinson honored

Fred Nats: Jackie Robinson honored

VIDEO: Fredericksburg Nationals owner Art Silber grew up in Brooklyn near Ebbets Field. He saw Jackie Robinson break the color barrier. The stadium being built in Fredericksburg will honor Jackie Robinson’s legacy.

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Town Talk:  Fredericksburg Baseball

Town Talk: Fredericksburg Baseball

AUDIO: Fredericksburg Baseball holds a block party and team name reveal this Saturday. The name–we know it will be Fredericksburg _______–is scheduled for 11am. We get a preview of the status of Fredericksburg Baseball with Paige Honaker and Robbie Perry.

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