6am start on Sunday morning

6am start on Sunday morning
Race will impact downtown Sunday morning. Race begins at 6am
FredNats now at 11-23 on the season
FredNats now 11-22 on the season
The Marine Corps Historic Half in Fredericksburg is much much more than Hospital Hill. Organizers say there’s also history, a river and flat terrain along the course.
12:05 game today
The races start at 6am and in a different location on Sunday morning
Race begins 6am Sunday morning
FredNats home all week
Marine Corps Historic Half runners speak about the difficulty of Hospital Hill. What isn’t often discussed is what awaits runners after Hospital Hill–Cowan Blvd!
Spotsylvania County Little League Challenger Baseball at Ability Field at the Sunshine Ballpark in Fredericksburg.
Mike Zitz and Dennis Rapkins talk about the importance of the summer, Sunshine Baseball League. Sign up deadline is June 1st.
It’s sports…and a whole lot more!
6-3 loss Friday night. FredNats now 10-19
First win in the series for Carolina
Two straight wins against Carolina for the FredNats
Hospital Hill. You’ll enounter it if you’re running the Marine Corps Historic Half, the Devil Dog Double or the Semper 5 on May 21 in Fredericksburg. Details at marinemarathon.com
FredNats beat the Mudcats 4-3
Competition and fun on Sunday morning downtown
Four straight losses for the FredNats