Special Olympics Virginia President David Thomason, World-Champion golfer Grace Anne Braxton of Fredericksburg and Stafford Sheriff David Decatur

Special Olympics Virginia President David Thomason, World-Champion golfer Grace Anne Braxton of Fredericksburg and Stafford Sheriff David Decatur
Entries remain for the MCM50K, MCM10K and MCM Kids Run
FredNats home again this week with games at FredNats Stadium
Sean Doolittle takes the loss as his rehab at FredNats Stadium continues
8-7 walkoff win at FredNats Stadium last night
FredNats beat Delmarva 9-2
Details at sunshinebaseball.net
Two wins last night at FredNats stadium for the home team
Deadline to register for FredNats Sunshine Baseball League powered by REC is June 1
FredNats win Friday night 8-5
Series continues in Salem
FredNats season record now 13-25
Race concludes Half Marathon weekend in Fredericksburg
FredNats in Salem this week
Big bad Hospital Hill?…Everyone who’s run it has a story. Torture, or challenge met..or a combination of the two.
Watermelon slices on Riverside Drive or cheering and signs along the way.
Marines offering encouragment or helping out at water stations.
Races begin Sunday morning at 6
The Marine Corps Marathon Organization comes to town
As the running of the 16th Marine Corps Historic Half in Fredericksburg approaches–Sunday at 6am–the City was called the hometown of the Marine Corps.