He’s only going to be here a short time–and when he’s an MLB star we’ll say he was a FredNat!

He’s only going to be here a short time–and when he’s an MLB star we’ll say he was a FredNat!
Another big night for Dylan Crews
FredNats fall 15-7
Mike Zitz and Dennis Rapkins update the summer baseball season. The Sunshine Baseball League is giving Afghan refugee kids a chance to participate.
Go-ahead run in the 3rd inning is the difference
Something special has taken place this summer off Wicklow Drive in Fredericksburg at Sunshine Ballpark.
Four runs in the sixth inning put the FredNats ahead to say
13-5 the final from the ballpark
One of these days when Crews is playing at Nats Park you’ll be able to say you saw him in Fredericksburg.
Crews 5 for 5, two home runs, six RBI’s, four runs scored, a walk, and no strikeouts.
Second straight late inning loss in Lynchburg
It’s fun and games and also learning about baseball and teamwork.
The good guys lose 7-6 in Lynchburg
Fredericksburg gives up nine runs in the third inning
FredNats beat Lynchburg 6-5
FredNats win
Crews hits a grand slam
Stafford Warriors move to 3 and 0 in pool play! Please come support these boys at FredNats Stadium tonight at 6 p.m. vs Aruba!
Walk-off homer wins it for the good guys
After going 0-5 on Saturday night Crews hits one out in his frist at bat on Sunday