Gloria Jean Johnson celebrated 64 years working at Horne’s restaurant this past January.

Gloria Jean Johnson celebrated 64 years working at Horne’s restaurant this past January.
Fire closed down Dickey’s Barbeque Pit but didn’t extinguish owner’s generosity.
Introducing the Rappahannock Recipe Roots project, a collaboration between the Free Press, Rappahannock Goodwill Industries and the Fredericksburg Area Museum.
Funds from the grant will go toward rejuvenating the restaurant’s historic home on Princess Anne Street, which was constructed in 1819.
A state education official visited the area for a conversation on cell phone policies, the Fredericksburg Fire Chief sat down to detail the city’s response to the CSX train derailment and high school football practice got underway in extreme heat, in this week’s edition of Press Rewind.
Bi-annual event shines spotlight on dining (and imbibing) in Fredericksburg.
Always Flavored reopened its doors at its downtown Fredericksburg location on June 21.
More than 100 vendors, including 30 food trucks, participated in the inaugural event at Spotsylvania Towne Center.
Katora Coffee, a safe haven for the LGBTQIA+ community, announces a change of direction.
A group of employees known as Fredericksburg United Cooperators want better pay, freedom of political expression.
Fast-food joint that was fixture for decades makes a speedy exit.
The Fredericksburg Foodways Project is an exhibit coming to the Fredericksburg Area Museum in 2026, but the museum is starting early to gather food stories and history from local residents.
The Pigg Pitt is a new barbecue restaurant at 1017 Sophia Street
VIDEO: Caroline’s Promise is one organization that benefits from the Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank’s Summer Feeding Program. The director tells us without the lunches, many in Caroline would go hungry over the summer.
VIDEO: The Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank is providing lunches for kids 18 and under and their parents at locations around the area this summer three days a week. for locations and times.
VIDEO: Former Fredericksburg resident and Kybecca co-owner Rebecca Thomas talked weight loss with NBC in New York.
A summer picnic meal remains affordable at a cost of $5.28 per person, according to a recent American Farm Bureau survey.
The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) urges everyone to be food safe as they cook out this Fourth of July to keep the celebration free from illness-causing bacteria.
There’s a food drive this weekend to help the Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank. We’ve got the list of items needed:
AUDIO: Oya Oliver and LaToya Brown with the Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank talks about the Kids on the Go- Summer Feeding program. Discussion about the overall increasing food insecurity in the area.