effective December 1, 2022, Stafford County’s ISO rating will improve from a Class 4 to a Class 3

effective December 1, 2022, Stafford County’s ISO rating will improve from a Class 4 to a Class 3
Nearly 150 flags raised and folded
The King George Sheriff’s Office says none of the recent robberies in the county appear to be connected
Juvenile student identified and charged
Sheriff Harris sent a letter to the board after instances this week where Chairman Twigg ordered deputies to remove residents
Police say James Hash is not responsible for the threats made to James Monroe High School over the last week.
The Stafford County Sheriff’s Office confiscated over 200 gigabytes of child pornography from the residence.
Conway Elementary sends cards
34 year old Fredericksburg man arrested
City Police say the attack took place in the 1400 block of Dandridge Street
Stafford authorities say the Fairfax Detective was using an unmarked police vehicle.
24-year-old William McQueen of Stafford was arrested and charged with second degree murder,
Police seeking information
Among the charges: felony eluding, DUI, no driver’s license, improper passing, no seatbelt and holding a phone while driving.
Deputy able to open windows in woman’s home and get local company to fix AC
If you’re out on the Rappahannock River, you’ll see members of our swift water team out making sure everyone is being safe. Help us help you by wearing your life jacket!
A check of the suspect’s social media revealed photos of the suspects with the two females, indicating their involvement in the crime as well.
The Stafford school was in lockdown part of Thursday
Incident at King George Gas Mart at the corner of Route 3 and Stanley Road
No injuries but vehicles damaged