Police say injuries were minor

Police say injuries were minor
“. As a member of the SVFD, his commitment to this department is immeasurable and the work he has done to better us all will live on”
The Stafford Sheriff’s Office says Deputies Martin, Motley and Russo wrote 19 tickets and towed away the car of one suspended driver.
Saturday night firefighters and friends from around the region attended a spaghetti dinner at Company 1 at the Courthouse to raise money for medical bills and other expenses.
Stafford Fire and Rescue says smoke alarms were not working
Police bring an end to the chase
In partnership with the Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP), Virginia troopers will be stepping up patrols during and following the Super Bowl to deter, detect and arrest drunk drivers.
Incident took place Thursday night about 7:30
The Caroline County Sheriff’s Office will NEVER solicit money or any type of donation by telephone,
On November 16, 2022, a red and white street legal off road motorcycle followed a 2022 white Kia Rio into the Spotsylvania Mall parking lot to the area of Logan’s Roadhouse.
Caroline Sheriff Scott Moser held Coffee with the Sheriff on Saturday monring at Common Grounds in Ladysmith. The next one is February 18th at The Mix House in Bowling Green from 8-10 am.
The Fredericksburg Police Department has begun its fourth and final year of the accreditation process
If a cardiac emergency is in a public place, the location‐aware app will alert users in the vicinity of the need
PulsePoint Respond empowers all of us to provide life-saving assistance. Get the app on the app store and Google Play.
Moderate damage to the home
Sunday night robbery at White Oak Mart and Deli
Police say the investigation continues
20-year old Colby Trowbridge with several felonies after the high-speed chase on Reelz TV’s “On Patrol.”
King George and Stafford men arrested
Deputy Eastman noticed the ignition had been punched out. While the license plates did not return through DMV, a quick check of the VIN revealed the vehicle was stolen from Spotsylvania.