The threat was deemed not credible, but the student has been charged and jailed.

The threat was deemed not credible, but the student has been charged and jailed.
Video courtesy Stafford Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff’s Office will have more personnel at Riverbend High School on Tuesday
Stafford authorities say investigation still in the early stages
Based upon video surveillance and information from citizens, Investigators quickly developed a suspect vehicle and began the process of identifying suspects
If you have any info, contact the Stafford Sheriff’s Office
Photos courtesy Stafford Fire and Rescue
City Police say if you know something in the death of Jasiah Smith, please come forward
The seven occupants of the residence were alerted to the fire by functioning smoke alarms
Sheriff’s Office says victim beaten unconcious. His shoes stolen.
Stafford Sheriff’s Office: Thank you to the hero Marines who stepped up in order to protect the victim. Without you, this altercation could have been a lot worse.
Texas man charged. Police believe incident began on I-95 and carried to Ruther Glen Road
Coffee with the Sheriff Saturday morning at Magnolia Fields Farm in Ruther Glen with Caroline Sheriff Scott Moser.
18-year old Caleb Cooney refused to surrender and led officers on speeds over 80 mph.
More AED’s to Caroline deputies.
19-year old Aaron Carter is considered armed and dangerous
Thank-you Deputy Amanda Mele!
Stafford authorities say 25-year old Tyler Trotter is no longer coaching in Stafford County Schools
Have information on the murder of Jasiah Smith, contact Fredericksburg Police
Incident happened in King George earlier this month