The Virginia Department of Forestry says prevailing dry conditions across Virginia have resulted in a shorter peak foliage period as leaves dry up and are easily blown off by even light breezes.

The Virginia Department of Forestry says prevailing dry conditions across Virginia have resulted in a shorter peak foliage period as leaves dry up and are easily blown off by even light breezes.
The State Department of Forestry says “Virginia is bathed in peak fall foliage!”
Indiantown Road entrance in King George.
Weekly Forestry Department report.
35-hundred native trees and shrubs given away and headed to yards around the region.
Meeting this Thursday at the Louisa County Public Library.
20+ volunteers up early Saturday morning at Rappahannock Education Farm gardens in White Oak in Stafford County.
Pumpkins have again been placed on rocks in the Rappahannock River–the Riverside Drive view.
The State Deparatment of Forestry says green is still dominant in Virginia’s forests this week, with high elevations and exposed ridgetops reaching partial levels (about 40% of trees in color).
REC says once planted, bamboo is difficult to manage or remove.
Motts Run is located off River Road.
EnChroma-adapted viewfinders have been installed at all Virginia State Parks
Guest speaker is best selling author Doug Tallamy.
The chairs are free to the public and available for both children and adults but must be reserved in advance
Drop off at any Department of Forestry office by close of business Oct. 15.
20+ volunteers show up on Saturday.
Virginia State Parks compiled the list.
Tammie May talks about keeping bees in the region.
Landscape architects weigh in on projects at two city parks as well as Ficklen Island.
Deadline fast approaching for Virginia beehive distribution lottery.