King George Sheriff Chris Giles and several of his deputies participated last night in the Fire Walk Challenge in Richmond for Special Olympics Virginia.

King George Sheriff Chris Giles and several of his deputies participated last night in the Fire Walk Challenge in Richmond for Special Olympics Virginia.
Officials with Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division say the competition is helping students see STEM used in real life situations.
North Stafford Team 1 came in second, Fredericksburg Christian came in third place.
Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division STEM Coordinator Tyler Truslow talks about the High School Innovation Challenge talking place this Friday and Saturday at the UMW Dahlgren campus.
King George Board of Supervisors voted to support Exodus Family Institute’s application for a $100,000 grant to conduct a feasibility study for 21 affordable homes.
Proposed amendments to zoning and subdivision ordinance would severely limit the amount of homes on one parcel of land.
Testing on Tuesday from 8-5.
Board also voted to enter into a settlement with the Walnut Hill Development Corporation over the denial of a rezoning permit for a proposed subdivision.
Poetry on the Dahlgen Railroad Heritage Trail (Indiantown Road) in King George.
For daily updates on range operations and test schedules, call the NSWCDD Range and Weapons Testing toll free hotline at (877) 845-5656.
Alerts posted by Stafford and King George Sheriff’s Offices.
Watershed grant aims to bolster green infrastructure projects throughout Fredericksburg region.
Access to the Potomac River Middle Danger Zone will be restricted during testing.
Board’s legislative priorities include limiting which meetings are considered open.
The first Virginia State Parks Master Paddler, Colleen Renderos, said one of her favorite experiences out of the 31 parks in the Wandering Waters Paddle Quest program was her sunset kayak tour at Caledon.
Governor announced $14.4 million in funding through the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation.
The season ended for Massaponax and King George after defeats in the region semifinals.
Testing on Thursday from 8-5.
King George and Stafford County public schools also earned honors at the division level.
Everyone in the state asked to conserve water.