Senator Kaine leads gun violence discussion in area

Senator Kaine leads gun violence discussion in area

PHOTOS: Senator Kaine led a discussion in Fredericksburg Monday afternoon on preventing gun violence. The 90-minute talk was held at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fredericksburg. The governor has called the General Assembly into session next month following the mass shooting in Virginia Beach.

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Kaine talks gun control in Fredericksburg ahead of special General Assembly session

Kaine talks gun control in Fredericksburg ahead of special General Assembly session

VIDEO: Democrats in Virginia are trying to make the case for greater gun restrictions ahead of a special General Assembly session next month. The session was called by the governor after the fatal shootings in the Virginia Beach municipal offices. Senator Kaine has been holding meetings around the state. He was in Fredericksburg Monday afternoon. Here are his opening comments.

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Town Talk- The Fredanthropist Program

Town Talk- The Fredanthropist Program

AUDIO: The Fredericksburg Fredanthropist program.   Bill Freehling and Clint Manning talk about businesses and individuals funding “wants” not in City Council’s budget.  Also, an update on the baseball stadium and other projects around the City.

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