Stafford County Administrator Tom Foley calls it an “unprecedented circumstance”
Mayor Greenlaw: Fredericksburg officials meeting and making COVID-19 plans
VIDEO: Mayor Greenlaw tells us the City is monitoring the situation with healthcare, schools and regional officials.
Sen. Kaine supports paid sick days to limit coronavirus spread
VIDEO: Senator Kaine says the goal is to keep sick employees home and away from work where they can infect others
Governor Northam outlines plans for Coronavirus
State Officials say so far Virginia has no confirmed cases of COVID-19
Biden the choice locally on Super Tuesday
Region votes overwhelmingly for Joe Biden. Bernie Sanders a distant second.
Stafford Supervisors vote to advertise $1.03 tax rate
VIDEO: Board can go lower, but not higher in setting the final tax rate. Supervisors Snellings and Dudenhefer vote no.
Town Talk: Stafford Reassessments
AUDIO: Stafford Commissioner of the Revenue Scott Mayausky talks about reassessments and how to get more info on yours.
City looking for input on updates to Historic District handbook
Two meetings this month. The first one is this Sunday afternoon
It’s Super Tuesday and you can participate
Polls open until 7. It’s the Democratic primary but anyone can vote
The commissioner talks about reassessments in Stafford
VIDEO: Stafford Commissioner of the Revenue Scott Mayausky talks to the Board of Supervisors about the county reassessment.
City releases census video
VIDEO: We Count!
Senator Warner comments on the coronavirus
VIDEO: Senator Warner:”My first priority is making sure that officials in Virginia have the adequate resources….In the meantime, I encourage every Virginian to heed CDC warnings and advisories.”
New sign policy in Spotsy. Enforcement begins immediately
Spotsy Supervisors vote to eliminte an exception that allowed signs on weekends
Spotsy Supervisors to advertise a 0.8797 cent tax rate
VIDEO: Supervisors get to work on a new budget
Town Talk: Matt Kelly
AUDIO: Fredericksburg At-Large Councilman Matt Kelly on school overcrowding, a transportation authority, housing, erosion and Braehead and Fossil Free Fredericksburg.
Spotsy Supervisors scheduled to talk about signs on Tuesday
Spotsylvania Supervisors are scheduled to discuss policies on enforcement and removal of illegal signs in the VDOT right of way on Tuesday.
DMV expands offices, adds staff for REAL ID
850,000+ Virginians obtained their REAL IDs last year. DMV prepares to serve more in 2020
Small Business Administration Drought Disaster Loans available
The SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program is available to eligible farm-related and nonfarm-related entities that suffered financial losses as a direct result of the drought.
DMV now offers Google Pay, Apple Pay and Samsung Pay at all full-service offices
Technology Allows Customers to Conveniently Pay for DMV Services with Tap of Smartphone
Construction of Riverfront Park to impact downtown parking
Disruptions to parking to begin soon downtown