VIDEO: City Fire Chief Mike Jones with the daily coronavirus update

VIDEO: City Fire Chief Mike Jones with the daily coronavirus update
VIDEO: City Fire Chief Mike Jones with the daily coronavirus update
Child Abuse Prevention Month extended until Shelter In Place is lifted
VIDEO: We talk with Mayor Greenlaw about how the City has responded to the pandemic.
The City’s May 5th elections will now take place May 19th. The governor encourages voting by mail
VIDEO: Interim Police Chief Brian Layton and Fire Chief Mike Jones with the daily coronavirus update
Elective surgeries off until May 1st. DMV offices closed until at least May 11
VIDEO: Supervisors Shelton and Allen vote no–favoring a higher rate
Stafford, along with every other locality in the county, trying to come to terms with the arrival of the pandemic and its economic consequences
VIDEO: Fredericksburg COVID-19 update with Mayor Greenlaw
Furloughs to about 40 employees to last May 2nd to at least July 31. Employees will be told future status by mid-July
VIDEO: Fredericksburg Fire Chief with the daily coronavirus update
VIDEO: City Economic Development and Tourism Director Bill Freehling and Fire Chief Mike Jones with updates
VIDEO: Governor Northam says the stay-at-home order remains in effect until June 10
VIDEO: City Fire Chief Mike Jones with the daily coronavirus update
VIDEO: Big budget gaps loom in Fredericksburg (and elsewhere)
VIDEO: City Manager Tim Baroody, Councilman Matt Kelly and Fire Chief Mike Jones provide updates
One tax bill extended. One stays the same.
VIDEO: By choosing a .0894 tax rate the county is looking at making nearly two million more in cuts
VIDEO: City Fire Chief Mike Jones talks about staying home this holiday weekend