1st District Congressman Rob Wittman easily wins re-election.

1st District Congressman Rob Wittman easily wins re-election.
Virginia Senator Mark Warner won re-election to a third term by defeating Republican Daniel Gade.
The program begins at 10 this Friday at the Armed Services Memorial
The goal is to support and increase transit rider voter turnout.
Goals of the program include: allowing participants to explore different areas of the workforce to determine their interests; foster a welcoming and inclusive environment for individuals with differing abilities
Stafford residents came out in droves to Colonial Forge High School to speak against a proposal to downzone 90-thousand acres of agricultural property to help slow rural growth.
A divided Stafford Board of Supervisors voted 4-3 to delay a vote on a rural downzoning plan until December 15th. Voting in favor for deferring were Supervisors Snellings, Shelton, Allen and Cohen.
City Councilman Matt Kelly talks about regional cooperation and the current breakdown between the City, Stafford and Spotsylvania. Also discussions on downtown parking, talks with protesters and council’s upcoming retreat.
Angela Freeman briefs Fredericksburg City Council about the ongoing efforts for city residents to talk with city leaders and each other about tough issues.
Fredericksburg Vice-Mayor Chuck Frye says he’s overwhelmed as he looks at what the city is accomplishing in the areas of race relations and telling all Fredericksburg history.
The joint public hearing will be held on Thursday, October 29, at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium of Colonial Forge High School
Over $67.8 million in unclaimed property paid out in fiscal year 2020
Mayor Greenlaw is joined by Dr. Sausheen Taylor, Chief Hospitalist for Mary Washington Healthcare to talk about ways to practice health and safety precautions this Halloween.
City seeking public input about racial equity in Fredericksburg
The Board and Planning Commission will consider establishing a maximum allocated density of one dwelling unit per 10 acres in the A-1, Agricultural Zoning District.
“Tourism is a fundamental component of our community, and we rely on it to help maintain the health of our local economy,” says Spotsylvania County Administrator Ed Petrovitch.
From the City of Fredericksburg, Ask the Mayor, it’s Episode 9. This week’s topic is the Rappahannock River Watershed with Officer Joe Young.
The goal: Get 95 homeless households into housing by Christmas.
Due to Tuesday’s system outage, a federal district judge extended the deadline for Virginia voter registration through today. You still have time to register or update your information in time for the Nov 3 election.
The Virginia Municipal League Local Champion Awards recognized local governments for their efforts during the early days of the pandemic