Council passes budget with several tax increases. More to come in future years.

Council passes budget with several tax increases. More to come in future years.
Fredericksburg City Council took the first of two votes on an ordinance to reduce the speed from 25 to 20 in some parts of the downtown business district. The vote was unanimous.
7th Congressional District Republican candidate Yesli Vega talks about her background and her views on the southern border, foreign affairs, the economy, federal deficit, and abortion.
Fredericksburg City Council is scheduled to vote Tuesday on a proposed ordinance to reduce speed limits from 25 to 20 miles an hour on major downtown streets. The ordinance would go into effect July 1st if it passes.
Virginia Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine say they’re concerned that nearly five decades of women’s reproductive rights could be in jeopardy in America.
Commissioner Scott Mayausky and Personal Property Specialist Beth Sapp talk about changes in the car tax and how that will impact you right now.
Spotsylvania Supervisor Chris Yakabouski (Battlefield) talks schools, the county budget and growth.
This is part of a rehabilitation project
Mileage-based fee could save drivers money starting July 1
Program Director Samantha Shoukas talks about a Point in Time count this summer, a hygiene pack drive and telling the homeless story thru a blog.
Frye votes no on budget. Worried that some may have to leave Fredericksburg
Here’s the Stafford community survey
This week Stafford County Utilities working on the water main on Ferry Road at the intersections of Wakefield Avenue, Randolph Road and Pendleton Road.
Ways you can help the Northern Neck community
Voting no, Supervisors Allen, Yeung and Vanuch.
Streamlined check-in process will reduce queuing and provide customers with faster service
Fredericksburg was the last stop of a weeklong tour of the state. Warner got a first-hand look at the Chatham Bridge and Riverfront Park and talked about the need for localities to smartly use the federal money to improve roads and bridges.
Virginia Senator Mark Warner spent Thursday afternoon in Fredericksburg touring the rebuilt Chatham Bridge and seeing the nearly completed Riverfront Park.
Four teachers will win a Virginia vacation and supplies for their school