Town Talk:  The Fredericksburg Area Museum & Hen Asem

Town Talk: The Fredericksburg Area Museum & Hen Asem

AUDIO: The Fredericksburg Area Museum is hosting a year-long program series titled Hen Asem, to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the arrival of Africans in the English colonies at Point Comfort, VA, in 1619.   We talk about the program with Theresa Cramer, Mayor Mary Katherine Greenlaw and Michael Carter.   Hen Asem means “Our Story.”  The slavery story is often hard to listen to.

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Spotsy Stars and Stripes:  The man behind the fireworks

Spotsy Stars and Stripes: The man behind the fireworks

VIDEO: The 2019 Spotsylvania Stars and Stripes fireworks show once again exceeded expectations. Many left saying it was one of the best shows they’d seen ANYWHERE. We went behind the scenes and met the man behind the show. Eric Stewart with American Fireworks Company. He’s done all 15 Stars and Stripes fireworks displays.

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