
Join us to  Walk, Bike, or Roll to School in celebration of National Bike Month.

James Monroe High School students will arrive at school by the individual’s preferred method of biking, walking, or rolling. They will meet at the front of the school to get their donuts and to take a photo at 7:20 A.M. Hugh Mercer participants will have five meet-up locations throughout the city. Stop one is 1501 Washington Ave at 7:45 am, stop two is 1300 Augustine Ave at 7:45 am, stop three is Great Oaks Trail (meet at the trailhead at Black Oak Ct) at 7:45 am, stop four is at the corner of Franklin Ave and Grove Ave at 8:00 am and stop five is Normandy Ave and the bridge to the canal path at 7:45 am. Each meet up point will have parents and community members on hand to accompany the elementary students during the route. Riders will arrive between 8:15 and 8:20 to receive their donuts and have their photo taken. All participants are encouraged to wear orange and yellow to show school pride and road safety.

All members of the community who are able and interested to join in biking, walking, or rolling to school on May 8th can register at https://forms.office.com/r/0q3wq8G4NQ