The main level master suite will absolutely take your breath away! Don’t miss the open house!

The main level master suite will absolutely take your breath away! Don’t miss the open house!
Mental Health America of Fredericksburg will host its 11th annual Walk for Mental Wellness on May 5th.
Fredericksburg teen will travel between NBC Sports and NBCUniversal
Stafford-based construction firm Closet Interiors Plus, now known as CIP Finishes, has big plans for Stafford.
The suspect later confessed that he stole the tools and the vehicle from the auto auction.
Work is anticipated to take three weeks to complete.
Children and Adult Easter egg hunts!
Today’s editorial cartoon from Clay Jones
Your local VDOT Hot Spots for Jan 28th – Feb 3rd, 2018
Your local VDOT Hot Spots for Jan 21st – Jan 27th, 2018
Your local VDOT Hot Spots for Jan 7th – Jan 13th, 2018
Your local VDOT Hot Spots for Dec. 31st, ’17 – Jan. 6th, ’18
Crews are mobilizing to apply anti-icing solution to I-95 to reduce icing with potential of snow and below freezing temperatures overnight.
Victim and suspect of the recent Stafford homicide have been identified. The incident currently remains under investigation.
Reported crime in Fredericksburg on December 29, 2017.
The Stafford County Sheriff’s Office responded to a domestic-related shooting on Thursday morning at England Run North Apartments that later led to a pursuit and motor vehicle accident on Interstate 95 northbound.
A motor vehicle accident on Tuesday in Stafford led to the arrest of a wanted man and the recovery of stolen firearms.
Fredericksburg Police reports shoplifting incidents resulting in hundreds of dollars in stolen merchandise. Also reports of larceny and thefts from residents.
A South Carolina man is in custody after shooting at Virginia State Police following a pursuit up Interstate 95.
Built-in shelves, a gas fireplace, a vaulted ceiling, and large windows that look out to the cove