How do I access the latest news about our community?
All our news can be found on our website and our social media pages, Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit. Our daily morning newsletter contains all the top stories you need to start your day. Subscribe here.
How much does it cost to subscribe?
Nothing. We believe that unbiased, accurate information about our community should be free, ensuring that everyone is empowered to make informed decisions and engage with their community. We do welcome voluntary donations, however, in any amount, which you can do here.
Where can I send news tips, ideas for news stories, or source information?
Our newsroom wants to hear from you! Please send your ideas to [email protected] or call the Newsroom at 540-684-3330. Or, you can contact our reporters directly at:
Joey LoMonaco
[email protected]
Taft Coghill
[email protected]
Kathy Knotts
[email protected]
What if we got something wrong?
We strive to provide accurate information, and take great care in fact-checking and copy editing each story before it is published. However, we understand that mistakes can happen. If you believe we have made an error, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]. We appreciate your vigilance in keeping us accountable and we will promptly correct any inaccuracies that are brought to our attention.
Is Fredericksburg Free Press a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization?
Yes! The Fredericksburg Free Press is a nonprofit tax-exempt organization under IRS 501(c)(3). You can access our IRS tax exempt status determination letter here. Our EIN number is 92-2461450.
How can I donate to Fredericksburg Free Press?
It’s easy. Click here. Or, you can mail a check to Fredericksburg Free Press, 401 Princess Anne Street, Suite 100, Fredericksburg, VA 22401. We also accept stock donation. Email us at [email protected] so we can help you with that.