From the Spotsylvania Sheriff’s Office:
On 12-1-2023 around 12:47pm, the Spotsylvania 911 Center received a call about a 9-month-old female not breathing from a residence in the 6500 block of Venison Drive. First responders arrived within a minute and performed life saving measures. The infant was transported to an area hospital and later flown by medivac to a VCU Children’s Hospital in Richmond.
During the course of the investigation, Detectives with the Child Victim Unit learned from doctors that the infant tested positive for Fentanyl and was in critical condition. Detectives served search warrants on the house and seized multiple suspected narcotics.
On the day of the incident, the mother of the 9-month-old dropped three of her children off at the family member’s home. A fourth child who was a close relative was also present in the house and later tested positive for cocaine. The 9-month-old child died on Sunday December 03, 2023. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner will determine the cause of death. After several interviews and evidence collected, Detectives charged the infant’s Grandmother and Aunt for the following charges.
(Aunt) Stephanie S. Diomande, 35-year-old female from Spotsylvania, VA
18.2-371.1 Child Abuse (class 4 felony)
40.1-103 Child Endangerment (X4)
18.2-248 Possession of Sch I/II w/ Intent to distribute
18.2-248.1 Possession of Marijuana w/ Intent to distribute
19.2-82.1 Provide False ID to L/E
18.2-371.1 Child Abuse (X3)
18.2-33 Felony Murder
19.2-306 Probation Violation (open warrant through Prince William)
18.2-258.1 Probation Violation (open warrant through Prince William)
19.2-306 Capias (open warrant through Spotsylvania)
(Grandmother) Ilona C. Foster (I-L-O-N-A), 49-year-old female from Spotsylvania, VA
18.2-371.1 Child Abuse (class 4 felony)
40.1-103 Child Endangerment (X4)
18.2-248 Possession of Sch I/II w/ Intent to distribute
18.2-248.1 Possession of Marijuana w/ Intent to distribute
18.2-371.1 Child Abuse (X3)
18.2-33 Felony Murder