From VDOT:
Construction is starting on a project to alleviate congestion and reduce the risk of crashes at the existing signalized intersection at Route 206 (Dahlgren Road) and Route 218 (Caledon Road) in King George County.
The $1.2 million dollar project will build a 400-foot-long dedicated right turn lane from westbound Route 206 to westbound Route 218. The existing travel lane will be marked as a through lane to go straight or a left turn will be permitted onto Route 632 (St. Paul’s Road).
Next week, crews will begin to mobilize equipment and materials, and signal work at the intersection. Construction activity will begin the following week.
While daytime and overnight lane closures are possible in the work zone, crews will seek to avoid lane closures at peak travel times during the morning and evening commute.
The project contractor is M & F Concrete, Inc.
Project Background
King George County submitted an application to build this project through Virginia’s SMART SCALE transportation funding program.
SMART SCALE was established to choose the right transportation projects for funding and ensure the best use of limited tax dollars. Potential projects that have been determined to meet a need identified in VTrans – the state’s long-range multi-modal transportation plan – are scored based on safety, congestion, accessibility, land use, economic development and the environment.
Once projects are scored and prioritized, the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) has the best information possible to select projects for funding.
To view how funded SMART SCALE projects are advancing toward construction, visit the SMART SCALE Dashboard.