
Stafford County Fire and Rescue to carry whole blood

by | Jan 8, 2023 | Police and Fire

Starting on January 1st, 2023, in collaboration with Inova Blood Donor Services, Stafford County Fire and Rescue (SCFR) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Supervisors began carrying whole blood as an additional life-saving resource throughout Stafford County.

Whole blood has been shown to dramatically improve patient outcomes in trauma patients. The blood is a low titer 0 Positive blood type that can be administered to anyone. The SCFR, in partnership with the Inova Health System’s Blood Donor Services has met stringent regulatory and training requirements and will be one of less than 20 agencies in the United States permitted to administer whole blood.

Major, life-threatening bleeding, such as from trauma or other medical ailments, is usually treated by rushing these critical patients to a hospital to receive a blood transfusion which could take 45-60 minutes. The SCFR Whole Blood Program will now allow SCFR EMS Supervisors, who are paramedics, to
administer this lifesaving treatment on scene, within the first few minutes of their arrival.

Prehospital administration of whole blood is one of the most significant improvements in trauma care in decades. Research has shown that not only is whole blood more beneficial than IV fluid or other blood components but early administration is better for critical patients. Previously whole blood was only available in a hospital setting and some medevac helicopters.

As part of the new program, the SCFR EMS Supervisor vehicles have been equipped with a climatecontrolled blood refrigerator to ensure the blood is kept at a proper temperature, military-grade blood warmers and other equipment to administer the whole blood.

The SCFR encourages anyone who can donate blood to do so. The next SCFR Blood drive will be held on January 18, 2023 at the St Peter’s Lutheran Church located at 1201 Courthouse Road in Stafford. Book your appointment at: https:bit.ly/SCFO118 or call 1-866-256-6372 and use Sponsor Code 8767

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