
Bicyclist and pedestrian improvements proposed at Twin Lakes/Kensington in Fredericksburg

by | Jun 18, 2022 | Traffic

VDOT invites the public to participate in a comment opportunity between June 14-July 25, 2022, for a proposed bicyclist and pedestrian improvement project in the Twin Lakes/Kensington area of Fredericksburg.

The project would extend a paved shared use path, approximately 10 feet wide, along the north side of Lafayette Boulevard between Twin Lake Drive and St. Paul Street in the City of Fredericksburg.

The new section of path would connect with an existing shared use path on Lafayette Boulevard that currently terminates at St. Paul Street. The path would be handicapped-accessible, with ramps and crosswalks built where the path intersects with Twin Lakes Drive, Springwood Drive, Kensington Place, and St. Paul Street.

Additionally, the project would build a paved access point to the Virginia Central Railway Trail from the cul-de-sac of Springwood Drive. A bike repair station would be installed at Alum Spring Park.

An in-person design public hearing will be held:

Thursday, July 14, 2022

5-7 p.m.

Dorothy Hart Community Center

408 Canal Street

Fredericksburg, VA 22401

An online comment form and project materials are available at https://www.publicinput.com/FXBGpath.

For individuals who prefer to share comments by mail or email, comments may be sent to Ms. Anastasia Kapitan, VDOT Project Manager, 87 Deacon Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 or [email protected]. Please reference “Twin Lake/Kensington Connector” in the email subject line.

Comments will be accepted through July 25, 2022.


Project Background

The City of Fredericksburg submitted an application to build this project through Virginia’s SMART SCALE transportation program. At the city’s request, VDOT is administering the preliminary engineering, right of way acquisition and construction phases of this project. The project is receiving additional funding through the federal Congestion and Mitigation Air Quality Program (CMAQ).

The project, currently estimated to cost $2.37 million, would be advertised to potential bidders for construction in November 2023, and would be under construction from early/spring 2024 through November 2024.

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