
Fredericksburg SPCA has a desperate need for dog fosters

by | Apr 19, 2022 | News

From the Fredericksburg SPCA:
We have more animals coming in on transport that we’ve already agreed to and a few animals that need to move to foster homes as soon as possible. Moms and babies are too young to be housed safely at the shelter, so they are our top priority. If you haven’t fostered mom and babies we have a foster training happening Wednesday, April 20 at 6 pm at the SPCA and virtually (visit fredspca.org/events for details). The training is not required as we will walk you through the process every step of the way, but is there for additional support!
We give you all the supplies you need, cover medical care, and offer a 24/7 emergency line. Plus, if you are in the market to adopt, fosters always get the first choice as a perk! The time commitment varies but is only 2 – 3 weeks for the puppies currently in need of placement. If you would like to foster, sign up at fredspca.org/foster or email [email protected]!
Urgent fosters are needed for:
-Mama Esther and her (12) 6-week old babies (2-week foster commitment)
-Mama Jasmine and her (9) 5-week old babies (3-week foster commitment)
-Mama cat and her (5) 4-week old kittens (2-3 week foster commitment)
-Pair 1 of 8-week old puppies
-Pair 2 of 8-week old puppies
-Pair 3 of 8-week old puppies (Lady Whistledown and Lady Bridgerton)
-Pair 4 of 8-week old puppies (Quor and Quip)
-Pair 5 of 8-week old puppies (Joey and Graycie)
-Single 8-week old puppy (Kilkenny)
If you are not able to foster, please help us spread the word! Reach out to family, friends, coworkers, or groups you are involved with! We desperately need to get these animals (and more!) placed into foster care as soon as possible. Once the puppies on the urgent list get placed, we still have a shelter FULL of animals in need of foster homes. Don’t hesitate to sign up or reach out to our foster team!
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