
New Potomac Creek Bridge finished in Stafford

by | Feb 20, 2022 | Traffic

Construction has finished significantly ahead of schedule to replace the Potomac Creek bridge on Route 1 in Stafford County.  The $6.9 million project replaced a bridge built in 1930 that was classified as structurally deficient. The new bridge has four travel lanes and a slightly wider bridge deck.

Virginia’s State of Good Repair program funded the project. State of Good Repair funds are dedicated toward rehabilitating and replacing deficient bridges and pavements across Virginia.  The Potomac Creek bridge is located on Route 1 between Route 8900 (Centreport Parkway) and Route 628 (American Legion Road/Eskimo Hill Road).

Around 21,000 vehicles a day travel Route 1 in the section where the Potomac Creek bridge is located, according to a 2019 VDOT traffic count.  Construction was required to be finished by July 2022 under contract, but work was completed around five months ahead of this deadline.



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