An animal cruelty investigation in Stafford has led to the arrest of two suspects, as Animal Control staff continues to care for two dogs and attempt to nurse them back to health.
The Stafford Sheriff’s Office says on January 25th at 1:30 p.m. Deputy O.J. Hepperle responded to a townhome in England Run for a welfare check of a dog. She located a six-year-old mixed breed medium sized dog in the home named Gracie that was extremely skinny. In the backyard of the home Deputy Hepperle located a two-year-old pit bull named Dean in much worse shape. Dean was i emaciated and struggled to stand.
Authorities say Deputy Hepperle explained to the owners both dogs needed to come with her to be seen by a veterinarian. Upon arrival at White Oak Animal Hospital, Dean was unable to walk inside and had to be carried. The examination by the vet revealed Dean’s organs were shutting down and his survival chances were slim. Deputy Hepperle agreed to foster Dean and brought him home. On January 27th she noticed
Dean’s breathing was labored and she transported the dog to Virginia Veterinary Center. The vet used an IV to stabilize the dog and kept him for continued care. Just after midnight on January 28th, Deputy Hepperle received a call indicating Dean was rapidly declining and may need to be euthanized. She rushed to the vet, and the Sheriff’s Office says Dean’s heart rate increased when Deputy Hepperle entered the room.
Gracie is safe at the shelter and Dean is still receiving around the clock care. The Sheriff’s Office says Dean’s medical expenses continue to increase as they do everything they can to save his life.
(If you would like to contribute to his care, please visit the Friends of Stafford County Animal Shelter or contact the Stafford County Animal Shelter directly on ways to help.)
As a result of the investigation, the owners of the dogs, Ryan and Crystal Wood, have each been charged with two counts of animal cruelty. Both were arrested and released by the magistrate on an unsecure bond.
Photos from the Stafford Sheriff’s Office