From VDOT:
VDOT crews are beginning to install signs and mobilize equipment at the intersection of Route 639 (Ladysmith Road) and Route 738 (Partlow Road/Anderson Mill Road) in the Chilesburg area of Caroline County for the start of a safety improvement project.
The $1.6 million project will improve sight distance and realign and flatten a curve at the intersection. Dedicated right turn lanes will be added from westbound Ladysmith Road to Partlow Road, and from southbound Partlow Road to Anderson Mill Road. A stop sign will be added to control southbound Partlow Road traffic.
While most construction will take place along the road shoulder, drivers should be alert for crews and equipment working in the vicinity of the intersection. The project is expected to be complete in August 2022. J.L. Kent and Sons, Inc., is the project contractor.
Project Background
Caroline County submitted an application to build this project through Virginia’s SMART SCALE transportation funding program.
SMART SCALE was established to choose the right transportation projects for funding and ensure the best use of limited tax dollars. Potential projects that have been determined to meet a need identified in VTrans – the state’s long-range multi-modal transportation plan – are scored based on safety, congestion, accessibility, land use, economic development and the environment.
Once projects are scored and prioritized, the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) has the best information possible to select projects for funding.
To view how funded SMART SCALE projects are advancing toward construction, visit the SMART SCALE Dashboard.
Additional project information is available online on the project page at