
GWRC seeks partnership interest to develop affordable housing in Region 16

by | Jan 8, 2022 | Government

From the George Washington Regional Commission:

The George Washington Regional Commission (GWRC) is accepting Proof of Concept submissions from public, for-profit, and non-profit developers and housing providers for projects that would increase the inventory of new affordable housing units within the City of Fredericksburg or Counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania and Stafford. Affordable housing units require inhabitation by families earning less than 80% of the Area Median Income as defined by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Up to $1,750,000 will initially be available to the GWRC for affordable housing development from funds being considered for the GWRC from Virginia Housing as a part of a $40 million grant program to Virginia’s Planning District Commissions. Virginia Housing was created in 1972 by the General Assembly to help Virginians attain quality, affordable housing.

The GWRC will accept Proof of Concept submissions through January 28, 2022. A regional housing selection team will review submissions for identification of regional need, number of affordable units to be created with a minimum of twenty affordable units, project location, project readiness and schedule including committed funds and resources, local government support, target family income, developer experience and length of committed affordability period. Proof of concept submissions will be reviewed for a limited number of submissions invited to apply for funding through a detailed application process.

GWRC Commission Chair, Jeff Black stated, “As our region continues to grow in population at an accelerated rate, the housing needs of ALL of our citizens become even more important. The GWRC is very excited to begin to partner with state and regional stakeholders to address the demands of homelessness and affordable housing and are especially happy that Virginia Housing is considering the GWRC for this initial grant program to assist in the development and implementation of new affordable housing units in our region.”

Full details and instructions for submission can be found at: https://gwregion.org/public-notices/requests-for-proposals.

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