From the Stafford Sheriff’s Office:
A citizen wrote to us recently to thank Captain S.S. Carey.
“Captain Carey has been a great friend of my mother for many years. Yesterday, my mother, who is 92, hit her head against a brick wall after sitting in a rolling chair at the Courthouse. She had a gash and required medical attention. She asked for Captain Carey, knowing that he works at the Courthouse. Although he wasn’t there, he immediately responded to the scene after being contacted. He stayed with my mother in the emergency room, and today he went by her house to check on her.”
“All that I or any citizen can ever want from a police officer is to feel protected. That is what Captain Carey does; he protects my mother. He is a personal hero to our entire family.”
Captain Carey is recognized as an #OutstandingDeputy for demonstrating a Sheriff’s Office core value, compassion.