
Stafford County Fire & Rescue PIO to assist in Kentucky tornado recovery efforts

by | Dec 22, 2021 | Police and Fire

From Stafford Fire and Rescue:

On Saturday, December 11, a massive tornado struck parts of several states, causing widespread devastation. As one of the most impacted areas, the Commonwealth of Kentucky activated the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), a federal law that helps states share resources in times of need.
Due to the scope of the devastation, they had a need for a Public Information Officer (PIO) to interface with the public and the media.  Stafford County Fire & Rescue’s PIO, Katie Brady, applied and was accepted by the Commonwealth of Kentucky to fulfill the request.
Katie’s experience and national certification as a PIO and her experience as a news reporter make her an excellent choice to serve on this mission. She will function as part of the PIO team that will coordinate communication efforts to ensure that the public, incident personnel, the media, and other stakeholders receive a consistent, comprehensive message. The knowledge she gains will benefit Stafford County in the future, should we ever have a similar event.
Katie left early Saturday morning and reported to the Joint Information Center (JIC) in the Kentucky State Emergency Operations Center in Frankfort. Her deployment could last up to 14 days. We wish her a safe trip and will be anxiously awaiting her return!
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