
City and Stafford report settlement with protesters. Here are both statements:

by | Dec 8, 2021 | Police and Fire

From the Stafford Sheriff’s Office:

Lawsuit Settlement
A federal civil law suit filed by nine plaintiffs against the City of Fredericksburg and the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office alleging a violation of civil rights during protest events May 31-June 1 of last year has been settled. A confidential sum has been paid to the plaintiff for the dismissal of the lawsuit. The Stafford Sheriff’s Office maintains their actions were an appropriate response to the plaintiff’s activity during civil unrest over the two-day period.
Sheriff Decatur is proud of the work of the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office in protecting the community and ensuring motorists could utilize the Falmouth Bridge. Unfortunately, one family had their vehicle vandalized and a young child was sprayed with glass during the plaintiff’s protest. Additional injuries and damages were avoided by the courageous efforts of the men and women of the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office.
Faced with a similar situation today, deputies would be expected to react similarly and ensure the public could access the vital bridge safely. The settlement was a business decision, made by lawyers, to avoid the cost of a lengthy trial, which we feel confident would have ultimately vindicated the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office.
The Stafford Sheriff’s Office remains committed to ensuring the safety of all residents and visitors to Stafford County. Following the George Floyd incident there were many peaceful protests in Stafford County that our office assisted with. Unfortunately, the bridge incident blocked traffic, preventing access to a hospital and trapped innocent families in its path.
Sheriff Decatur and the men and women of the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the community for their support. We recognize we cannot do this job alone and the encouragement from our residents has been comforting. Know that this settlement was not something we wanted, but was a decision by legal representation due to the high cost of a lengthy trial.
From the City of Fredericksburg:
The City of Fredericksburg and the Stafford County Sheriff and deputies have agreed to a complete and final resolution of a federal civil lawsuit brought by nine plaintiffs who had alleged the violation of their civil rights during protest events on May 31 and June 1, 2020.
On November 12, 2021, the plaintiffs dismissed all of the individual police officers from the Fredericksburg Police Department.  Under the final Joint Stipulation of Dismissal filed on December 6, 2021, the plaintiffs agreed to a complete dismissal of the remaining defendants.  The City’s insurer, Virginia Risk Sharing Association, and the Stafford County Sheriff’s and deputies’ insurer, Division of Risk Management, paid a confidential sum of money to plaintiffs in exchange for the dismissal of the lawsuit against the City and Stafford County Sheriff and deputies. No defendant conceded wrongdoing or liability.
Neither the City nor the Stafford County Sheriff or deputies contributed local tax dollars to the settlement amount.

“The City is proud of the men and women of its Police Department, and is grateful to them for their steady service through a very trying summer,” said Fredericksburg Mayor Mary Katherine Greenlaw. “Our police officers met the highest standards of professionalism, protecting both those who participated in the many protests of that summer and protecting the general public. The City’s insurer made a sound business decision in resolving this lawsuit on terms that remove the burden of litigation from City employees, and permit them to return their full attention to their public duties and to their families and personal pursuits. We are very pleased to have this chapter closed.”

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