
WATCH: Bryce Reeves announces he’s running for 7th District Congressional seat

by | Oct 22, 2021 | Politics & Elections

Growing up, my mom had a favorite quote that she kept hanging on our wall: “Education is not only for earning a living, but for learning to live, to serve, and to lead.”  My brother and I were the first in our family to graduate from college, but we also come from a long line of service. Every man in my family has served in the military, and I always knew that I would carry on that tradition.  I was commissioned as an officer in the United States Army, where I was the honor graduate of my class at the U.S. Army Airborne School at Fort Benning. I also graduated from Ranger School, earned my Ranger tab, and served as an infantry officer

After the Army, I served as a narcotics detective in Prince William County, and I’ve loved serving my community as a church leader and coach. I currently represent the people of District 17 in the Senate of Virginia.  Why do I tell you all of this? Because I want you to know that service to my nation runs deep, it’s in my blood.   I love America, and I am horrified by what Joe Biden and the radical left are doing to our country.  That is why today I am announcing my campaign for Congress.

Our current congresswoman, Abigail Spanberger, refuses to lead. She’s simply a puppet for Joe Biden and the Radical Left.  I got into public service to serve and to lead, and that’s what I’ve done my entire career.  We must stop the reckless spending, Biden’s open border catastrophe, radical woke indoctrination in the classroom, the gutting of our military, hate for our law enforcement, cancel culture gone wild, and the heavy-handed mandates that infringe on our constitutional rights.

This district, VA-7, is one of the tightest swing districts in the entire country. So goes this district, so goes the nation, that’s why this is projected to be one of the top five races in the entire United States.

If Republicans are going to take back Congress from the woke Democrats, we MUST win this seat! We have no other choice.

If you’re like me and you care about our country, and you value service to our nation, then I humbly ask you for your support today. I’m running this campaign to represent you and our shared conservative values.

Thank you in advance for your support, and I know that with your help, I will have the honor of serving the incredible people of Virginia in the United States House of Representatives.

God bless America,  Bryce Reeves Conservative for Congress VA-07

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