
Stafford High School 2020 graduates become full-fledged firefighters

by | Feb 8, 2021 | Education, Police and Fire

From Stafford Schools:

Stafford County Public Schools (SCPS) continues to see the real-world benefit of its Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. Recently, two former high school students completed the Stafford County Firefighting academy and are now joining the Stafford County Fire and Rescue Department.
Josalynn Holmes and Brandon Tremblay, 2020 graduates of Stafford High School, were among the 22 recruits of Recruit Academy 14 who became the county’s most recent full-fledged firefighters.

“Both of them (Holmes and Tremblay) distinguished themselves throughout the 26-week training program as outstanding members of our department,” said Stafford County Fire Chief Joseph Cardello. “We were able to reap the benefits of an important high school program.” SCPS Superintendent Dr. Scott Kizner echoes the importance of preparing students for their future. “Stafford is really a learning community,” said Dr. Kizner. “I am not only proud of these two students, but of the positive relationship we have with so many partners. We are truly seeing our students excel and follow their passion. It is very rewarding to offer them a pathway for success that begins with hands-on training in our high schools.”

Career and Technical Education instructional programs correlate with Virginia’s Standards of Learning (SOLs) and provide opportunities to reinforce SOL instruction and Workplace Readiness Skills. Events, programs, and resources direct students to develop and reflect on their career goals, and actively plan the most effective path to personal success after graduation. For more information about Stafford County Public Schools CTE programs, visit www.staffordschools.net.


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