
Culvert replacement projects will start next week in two Spotsylvania subdivisions

by | Aug 1, 2020 | Traffic

VDOT will begin two projects next week to replace large, corrugated metal pipes in two subdivisions in Spotsylvania County.

Starting Monday, the contractor will mobilize equipment in the Fox Chase subdivision to install a new 85-foot long reinforced concrete pipe on Fox Chase Lane near Heathermoore Place.

On Tuesday, the same contractor will begin work in the Bloomsbury neighborhood to install an 80-foot long precast double box culvert.

Both Bloombsbury Lane and Fox Chase Lane will remain open during construction.

Residents will start to see crews clear trees next week and install temporary traffic controls at both work zones. The contractor will have separate crews at each location.

In late August, crews will install a temporary traffic signal on Fox Chase Lane near the Heathermoore Place intersection to direct one-way traffic in the work zone. The temporary traffic signal will assist drivers to safely navigate through the work zone and around large pieces of equipment.

In Bloomsbury, crews will add temporary stop signs, which will direct alternating, one-way traffic in the work zone.

Access to driveways will be maintained for residents who live near these work zones.

These projects total $1.3 million and are federally funded.  Construction for both projects is expected to be complete by April 2021.

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