
Bank impostor “SMISHING” text scams

by | Dec 18, 2019 | Business, News

From the Better Business Bureau of Central Virginia:

Be on the lookout for bank employee impostors texting about fraudulent charges or requesting verification of personal bank information. Phishing messages that come as text messages are called “Smishing.”

Your BBB serving Central Virginia and BBB Accredited Business Atlantic Union Bank are both reporting calls from consumers who’ve received phony text messages saying “your account information needs to be verified” in an effort to take over your account. The swindlers also use fake phone numbers that appear on caller ID as your bank or credit card company’s customer service department.

“Financial and online fraud are especially high during the holiday shopping season,” said Jason Huffman, Director of Customer Experience with Atlantic Union Bank. “The good news is that knowledge is power in this case. Knowing how to protect your financial information is the best line of defense that we all have as consumers.” 

Sadly, there are so many scammers today working the phones via texts and calls, and email too, that consumers have to be extremely wary and take precautions past generations never needed to do.  

“Simple actions like checking bank account and credit card statements more often, and being sensitive about sharing personal information, are steps to begin right away that will help protect personal financial information,” Huffman added.

BBB Tips for Avoiding Text Message Scams:

·         Remember your bank will NEVER contact you directly and ask for your personal or account information.

·         If you receive a suspicious call, hang up immediately and call your bank or credit card company to report any concerns.

For More Information: Contact your BBB serving Central Virginia at 804-648-0030 or https://www.bbb.org/local-bbb/bbb-serving-central-virginia.

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