The Stafford County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing about and consider the request for a reclassification from R-1, Suburban Residential Zoning District, to B-1, Convenience Commercial Zoning District, for four parcels of land totaling 1.15 acres in the Falmouth Village Planning Area.
Scott Cleveland of LCT and JSC, LLC, is requesting the reclassification to allow for the development of office space and a restaurant.
Parcels 43 and 43A are located on the north side of Carter Street, and total approximately 0.86 acres. Parcel 43 contains the historic Dunbar’s Kitchen, which is a remaining dependency building dating to 1750. A single-family residential dwelling, circa 1955, is on Parcel 43A. Two garage/storage buildings are also located to the rear of Parcel 43A.
The other two parcels, Parcels 34 and 35, are located south of Carter Street, on the east side of Gordon Street, and total approximately 0.28 acres. Parcels 34 and 35 are physically separated from the Carter Street parcels. Parcel 34 contains a cinder-block single-family residential dwelling, circa 1950, and a separate structure containing three attached garages.
Cleveland’s development is proposed within the existing buildings.
On the Carter Street parcels:
– Office use in the historic Dunbar’s Kitchen
– Office use in the 1955 rambler
– Sit-down restaurant use in the existing garage/storage buildings
– Associated parking areas
On the Gordon Street parcels:
– Office use in the 1950 dwelling
– Office use in the garage
– Parallel parking along Gordon Street
Complete information is available in the attached document, which is also available online as a hyperlink in the agenda.
The public hearing will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 8, 2017. It will be held in the Board of Supervisors Chambers in the George L. Gordon, Jr., Government Center, 1300 Courthouse Rd., Stafford.