
Contract Awarded for I-95 Safety Improvements at Route 3

by | Feb 20, 2017 | Traffic

From the Virginia Department of Transportation. File photo copyright Fredericksburg.Today.

The Commonwealth Transportation Board has awarded a contract worth approximately $18.2 million to Branch Civil, Inc., of Manassas, to make several safety improvements to the Interstate 95 interchange at Route 3 in Fredericksburg.

After reviewing the I-95 corridor, VDOT determined the Route 3 interchange in Fredericksburg had a crash rate above the statewide average. These improvements are designed to lower the crash risk by eliminating conflict points where vehicles currently merge.

The project will modify on- and off-ramps at the Exit 130/Route 3 interchange. The changes are intended to reduce vehicle merging and weaving that can lead to crashes, injuries and congestion for local traffic, and on the interstate.

Construction will begin in fall 2017 and will be completed in January 2019.

Southbound I-95 Exit Ramp Improvements
For southbound I-95 traffic exiting to Route 3 westbound, the off-ramp will be extended and widened.

After construction, a separate free-flow lane will directly lead to the Carl D. Silver Parkway entrance at Central Park without any merging required.

Three right turn lanes will be built for traffic exiting to Route 3 westbound. These lanes would make a slight right turn onto Route 3, controlled by a traffic signal. On a green signal, this would give traffic the opportunity to enter Route 3 westbound without any merging required.

View an online map of improvements for the I-95 southbound exit ramp.

Route 3 Eastbound On-Ramp Improvements
The project will eliminate the existing cloverleaf on-ramp that carries Route 3 eastbound traffic onto Interstate 95 northbound.

Once construction is complete, Route 3 traffic will access I-95 northbound using three left turn lanes controlled by a traffic signal. This means drivers on Route 3 eastbound who are entering I-95 northbound will no longer have to merge with drivers exiting I-95.

View an online map of improvements for the Route 3 eastbound on-ramp.

Additional Project Background
The project is being funded with federal Highway Safety Improvement Program funds (HSIP).

After reviewing the I-95 corridor, VDOT determined the Route 3 interchange in Fredericksburg had a crash rate above the statewide average. These improvements are designed to lower the crash risk by eliminating conflict points where vehicles currently merge.

For more information, please visit the Interstate 95, Exit 130/Route 3 Safety Improvements project page.

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