
Stafford County Heads Back to School September 6

by | Sep 4, 2016 | Education

By Sherrie Johnson, Stafford County Public Schools Director of Strategic Communication & Community Engagement

Students return to Stafford County Public Schools (SCPS) on Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2016 for the first day of school. This year approximately 297 teaching positions have been filled in the division, with more than 27,000 students returning to the classrooms.

SCPS has unveiled a new My Stop application, which allows parents to see GPS information on the location of their child’s bus. It’s a proactive move by the school system to keep parents informed on students’ bus location.

There are two ways to access My Stop:

· The web address is: https://scpsbussystem.staffordschools.net/onscreen/MyStop/LoginMobile.aspx

· Smart phone users can find an app in the App Store or the Play Store.

· Student identification numbers serve as the username and password

This app allows parents to see an icon moving on a green route. The icon represents the actual location of the bus within two to four minutes. Arrival times at the bottom of the screen will automatically recalculate if the bus is running late.

Parents can see the route for 30 minutes before the route begins, and for 30 minutes after the child is dropped off. My Stop also allows the user to see a sibling’s bus GPS information. Siblings are linked by the home telephone numbers.

The SCPS Transportation Department used My Stop as a test pilot program last year. This year the program is open to the entire school system.

Please join in Stafford County Public School’s First Day of School social media campaign. On Tuesday, Sept. 6, use the hashtag #Back2SCPS on Facebook and Twitter to share your photos, videos and stories. Parents can also send photos to [email protected] and we will compile the items on our new website. SCPS is looking forward to a great year.

For more information on SCPS, please log onto www.staffordschools.net

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