
High Speed Rail Meeting July 11 in Fredericksburg

by | Jul 12, 2016 | Government

By Wanda Parrish, Director of Planning, Spotsylvania County

A meeting about the proposed D.C. to Richmond Southeast High Speed Rail project is scheduled 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Monday, July 11, 2016. The meeting will be held at Fredericksburg Christian Upper School, 9400 Thornton Rolling Rd. in Fredericksburg.

Representatives from Virginia’s Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) will provide a project status update at 7 p.m., followed by a question and answer session.

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) identified the Southeast High Speed Rail corridor from Washington, D.C. to Florida with a goal to offer a viable, efficient transportation choice that is competitive with air and auto travel.

DRPT is conducting a three-year study on the 123-mile D.C. to Richmond (DC2RVA) section, which is generally expected to follow CSX right-of-way. As part of its environmental impact statement, DRPT is evaluating which proposed route through the Fredericksburg area is most feasible.

Alternatives for the Fredericksburg portion of the rail include adding a third track through Fredericksburg on the east side of the existing tracks, building a new two-track bypass to the east of Fredericksburg, and not adding any tracks through Fredericksburg, but make improvements to station platforms, crossings, signals, and safety systems.

DPRT anticipates publishing a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for public review and comment in late 2016. Once it is published, DRPT will hold a series of public hearings, which will provide
an opportunity for the public to comment for the record. A final decision on a preferred alternative will not be made until the EIS process is completed in 2017.

The proposed DC2RVA project is a portion of a larger effort to link Washington D.C., to Richmond and Hampton Roads as well as connections to Raleigh, Charlotte, Atlanta, and beyond to Florida

More information about the project may be found at http://www.dc2rvarail.com/

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