
February 1 Redesignated a Regular School Day in Stafford County

by | Jan 29, 2016 | Education

By Susan Larson.

Monday, Feb. 1, 2016, will be a regular school day for Stafford County Public Schools.

The Stafford County School Board voted to redesignate the teacher workday, to make up for days lost due to last weekend’s snow storm.

All students and staff should report at their regular time February 1. It will be a Y-day for middle and high school students.

“Students unable to attend school on Monday will receive an excused absence with a note from parents,” Valerie Cottongim, Stafford County Public Schools public information officer, said.

The end of first semester is Tuesday, Feb. 2, which will be an X day. The second semester begins on Wednesday, Feb. 3, and will be a Y day.

Report cards will be distributed on Friday, Feb. 12.

“All first semester exams are cancelled, however, any student may opt to take an exam to improve his or her grade in a given course without penalty,” Cottongim reported. “An ungraded assessment may be administered for instructional purposes.”

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