
Stafford Schools Superintendent Requests $269.1 Million Budget

by | Feb 25, 2016 | Education

By Susan Larson.

Stafford County Schools Superintendent Bruce Benson requested a 2016-17 school year budget of $269.1 million at the Stafford County School Board meeting on January 12, 2016.

The request is an increase of approximately $8.2 million or 3.14 percent over the 2015-16 adopted budget, said Valerie Cottongim, Stafford Schools public information officer.

The school board will host a public hearing on the budget at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016, during their regularly scheduled meeting. Meetings are held at the Alvin York Administrative Complex, 31 Stafford Ave. Contact the Clerk of the School Board at [email protected] or by telephone at 540-658-6000 for information about speaking at the public hearing.

The Superintendent’s recommended budget calls for:
– A two percent salary increase for all employees, in addition to the required one percent Virginia Retirement System (VRS) pass along.

– Market adjustments for identified employee groups, including raising starting teacher salaries to $42,238.

– The addition of 36 teachers to support reduced class sizes and special-needs students.

“The budget request hits three important Rs,” Benson said. “It is relevant in that the request is aligned to budget goals set by the School Board. It is reasonable in that it is measured in the scope of areas identified for improvement. It is responsible in that it represents good stewardship in the use of resources.”

The budget development process included a detailed analysis of current salary and benefit obligations and tighter alignment of projected expenditures, Benson said.

“Proposed salary increases are funded primarily by savings identified in the FY16 budget salary and benefit lines,” Benson said. “The request takes into consideration proposed revenue increases at the state level, projected savings in health care costs, projected increase in average daily membership of 510 students, and the need for approximately $1.25 million dollars in additional revenue.”

Stafford School Board Meetings are broadcast live on Comcast and Cox Cable Channel 18 and Verizon Fios Channel 38. They are rebroadcast at 7 p.m. Fridays, 1 p.m. Saturdays, and 7 p.m. Tuesdays.

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