Gordon Road Park and Ride

Commuter Parking Expanded in Spotsylvania’s Route 3 Corridor

by | Sep 29, 2015 | Government

Information and photo provided by VDOT.

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has opened 500 new parking spaces in the Gordon Road Park & Ride lot.

The lot is located at the intersection of Route 3 and Gordon Road in Spotsylvania County. Lot users now have access to a total of 1,052 parking spaces.

Construction to expand the Park & Ride commuter lot began in fall 2014 and will be completed in December 2015. Final tasks include the installation of benches and signs. Landscaping will occur in November, when temperatures are cooler.

In addition to 500 new parking spaces, the $7.2 million improvement project has added:

A dedicated High Occupancy Vehicle (slugging) pickup and dropoff area
A bus lane and bus parking bay
A second entrance to the lot accessible from Harrison Road
A pedestrian sidewalk connecting the lot with surrounding commercial development


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