The winners of the 19th Annual Rappahannock Regional Soap Box Derby are (pictured, left to right):
Masters Division
Noah Prestidge
The 17-year-old was a first time racer. He’s from Stafford County, and is a student of Race Director Alvin Staples.
Stock Division
King George County resident Oscar Vendetti, 12, has been racing for four years. He is sponsored by Carroll’s Automotive.
Super Stock Division
Maddie Johnson, 17, of King George County has been racing for six years. She was sponsored by WFLS radio.
The winners will compete in the All-American Soap Box Derby July 19 – 26, 2015, in Ohio.
The 19th Annual Rappahannock Regional Soap Box Derby was sponsored by Fredericksburg Parent & Family Magazine and COX Communications.
Registration for the 20th annual race begins in the spring of 2016.
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