Saturday, June 6, 2015
Old Mill Park, 2401 Caroline St., Fredericksburg
American Canoe Association (ACA) multi-sport river races, four-mile run, art and crafts displays, craft beer, food, and live music throughout the day.
Free admission.
Visit the event website at Rock the River Fredericksburg
The $30 beer sampling package includes a Rock the River FXBG glass for sampling and 20 tickets. Each ticket is good for one sample. Additional sample tickets are $2 each. You must be 21 or older and present a valid I.D. prior to admission.
Staff-Burg Ultimate Pickup Frisbee Pickup games and workshops (free) from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Purchase your beer sampling package online or at the event.
Register online for the 6 p.m. four-mile Run for the River.
Register online for the 35th annual Great Rappahannock Whitewater Canoe Race. Events begin at 7:30 a.m.
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