
Fredericksburg Weekend Calendar of Events

by | Mar 6, 2015 | Events

By Susan Larson

Fredericksburg area events for the weekend of March 6 – 8, 2015.

Fredericksburg First Friday Art Walk Postponed to Friday, March 13, 2015
Friday, March 6, 6 – 9 p.m.
Downtown Fredericksburg
Open house receptions at the art galleries in downtown Fredericksburg.
Free. See a list of galleries, parking and trollery information at https://www.fredericksburgfreepress.com/first-friday-2

A Toast to the Arts: Annual Benefit Gala
Friday, March 6, 6:30 – 10:30 p.m.
A. Smith Bowman Distillery, One Bowman Dr., Fredericksburg
The Fredericksburg Festival for the Performing Arts event will feature tours of the A. Smith Bowman Distillery with tastings, dancing, buffet, cash bar, silent auction and music by the Fredericksburg Big Band.
Tickets: $100 per person

Celebrate Seuss! Read Across America
Saturday, March 7, 2 – 3:30 p.m.
Central Rappahannock Regional Library Headquarters Branch, 1201 Caroline St., Fredericksburg
Fun-filled activities in honor of Dr. Seuss’ Birthday. Refreshments will be served.
Free. All ages.

The 31st Annual Oyster Roast
Saturday, March 7, 3 – 6 p.m.
White Oak Equipment, Inc., 358 Kings Hwy., Route 3 East
Sponsored By Fairview Baptist Church and White Oak Equipment, Inc. to benefit Brad Hedrick
Featuring fried and steamed oysters, hot dogs, cole slaw, chips, desserts and soft drinks.
Free. Donations requested. For more information, see http://fairviewatriverclub.org/frc_fundraiser.html

Purim Carnival at Beth Sholom
Sunday, March 8, 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Beth Sholom Temple, 805 Lyons Blvd., Fredericksburg
Games, crafts, cake walk, face painting, prizes.
$8 to play all games. $3 for children three and under. More information at http://www.bethsholomtemplefredericksburg.org/

Griffin Word Thieves
Sunday, March 8, 2 – 4 p.m.
Griffin Bookshop and Coffee Bar, 723 Caroline St., Fredericksburg
A reading and writing club dedicated to teens age 12 to 18.
Repeats on the second Sunday of every month.
Annual dues: $25

Fredericksburg Big Band Concert
Sunday, March 8, 2 – 4 p.m.
University of Mary Washington Dodd Auditorium, 1301 College Ave., Fredericksburg
Free. More information at http://fredericksburgbigband.com/

Fredericksburg’s Music Calendar March 6 – 11

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