University of Mary Washington. Photo copyright Susan Larson.

UMW Freezes Hiring in Response to State Budget Shortfall

by | Dec 13, 2014 | Education, Government

By Susan Larson

University of Mary Washington (UMW) President Richard Hurley ordered a hiring freeze this week in light of the projected state budget shortfall of $2.4 billion over three years announced by Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

“President Hurley ordered the temporary hiring freeze until he receives word from the Governor’s office about the level of budget cuts needed,” said Marty Morrison, UMW director of media and public relations.  “He believes the temporary hiring freeze is prudent since personnel costs make up a significant portion of the university’s budget.”

President Hurley also has directed members of the University’s senior leadership team to begin looking for possible reductions in their areas.  Hurley learned of the shortfall in mid-August during a meeting the Governor held with state agency directors about the state budget.

McAuliffe said Department of Defense spending cutbacks mandated by sequestration are largely to blame for the projected shortfall.

The Governor said Virginia needs to make a fundamental shift from a reliance on federal spending —  which has made it particularly vulnerable to cuts in Washington — to a diversified approach to revenue and job growth, the Washington Post reported.

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